Technik Camp

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Event: Technik Camp
Date: 1st to 4th of August 2019
Place: Campus of the Waldorf School Überlingen
Address: Rengoldshauser Str. 20, 88662 Überlingen

The Toolbox Bodensee e.V. together with the Förderverein Freie Netze Bodensee e.V. and Freifunk Bodesee as well as the see-base hacker space see-base will host the Technik Camp in the Lake Constance region.

We warmly invite you to come!

Detailed information on the Camp as well as the schedule (as of summer) are available at

If you want to join us, we ask you to register in order to make the organization easier for us.

We would be even happier if you would like to share your knowledge with us - for example as a talk or workshop.

Hand in talk or workshop

We created a Matrix channel to communicate with the participants: